The Dad’s Alchemy Podcast
There is no shortage of content aimed at improving our physical appearance or optimizing our personal and professional lives. There is a lot of content designed to create an ideological following based on what is right, wrong, good, bad, true, false, alpha, or beta.
This is not a judgment of content creators, influencers, or their content. It’s a discernment that its design is compartmentalized and encourages the proliferation of a very narrow subset of acceptable archetypes or role models.
I have come out of hiding to share an innovative alternative to the tired, outdated, and generally accepted archetypes — The Alchemist.
Personal Alchemy innovates the oldest story in human history — the human condition. It leans on storytelling because the internal world of every human — our identities and the meaning we ascribe to our lives — manifests as the stories we tell ourselves.
Alchemy gets you through, and to, the other side of your story and its power lies in the growth and freedom from moving closer to the most authentic version of yourself.
At its core, the inspiration for this podcast is a devotion to my sons and the versions of themselves they’ll evolve into. It’s in that devotion I can best honor the authenticity you all very much deserve.
So, whether you're a young listener figuring out your path like my sons, a fellow parent on this wild journey, or anyone in between – welcome to the conversation. Let's explore this alchemy of life together.